Children’s Programs

Children and youth retreatWe hope this information helps you learn how GUMC supports families and how our Sunday worship works.

Sunday mornings: Parents of infants are welcome to remain in worship. Children in preschool – 6th grade remain in worship until dismissed for Sunday school. Sunday school ends at the same time as worship.

Sunday School: Our Sunday school program partners with parents to provide the foundation for a life long journey of Christian discipleship. Sunday School is held during worship every Sunday. Children begin in worship and leave for class after the Time for Young Children. We use a United Methodist curriculum that incorporates Bible stories, media, activities, games and crafts.

Worship bags: These bags are available for children in the wicker baskets as you enter the sanctuary. They are arranged by 2 age groups with activities to keep active minds engaged while in worship.

Holy Communion: We receive Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. Sunday school returns to worship for Communion and parents may either have their children receive Communion or a blessing.

Confirmation Program: This 2 year program prepares a youth to make their public confession of faith in a special worship service. Most youth begin as 6th graders.

Monthly Family Fun: Our team of parents plan monthly fun fellowship times for families.

(Looking for our youth/teen programing? Click Here.)

Safe Sanctuaries: Providing a safe place for children and youth is a priority at GUMC. Please click here to check out our policy on our website that outlines how we ensure their safety.
Children garden outreach
Beth and Greg Peterson, Directors of Children, Youth and Family Ministry